
Black Opal :: Sydney Gnostic Meetup


This is the website for information on the Sydney Gnostic Meetup group (see for details and to join).

I am no longer the organiser for this or any other group through the Meetup website, as Meetup has started charging for their services. I am still glad to discuss and meet with open-minded individuals and groups, and I am looking at the possibility of setting up a messageboard and other services for this purpose through my own website - and therefore to remain FREE. Feel free to contact me (email address at bottom of page) or check back here for more information later.

Please check my section on Gnosticism (link at top of page) for essays, stories, and other information on Gnosticism, and the rest of my Black Opal website for other topics that may be of interest.

This is a discussion group for all those interested in gnosticism, whether you have long experience and deep knowledge, or are an interested newcomer to gnosticism, you can feel free to discuss any relevent topics here. Discussions can be led into new topics, book readings, meditations, or whatever else the group is interested in. Experiment and experience is encouraged, as is an open mind, and a balance of reason/rationality/logic and intuition.

Interested people would most likely be:

·        Scholars of historical gnosticism

·        People interested in gnostic texts (Nag Hammadi, apocryphal biblical texts, other books and texts from other traditions)

·        Those interested in Sufism and other mystical traditions from around the world

·        Thelemic/New Aeon gnostics

·        Shamans & other exponents of experiential traditions

These and other relevent topics will be explored in an informal and friendly environment, and the focus can be directed as group members feel the need.

The Sydney Gnostic Meetup group meets on the second Friday of the month at 7:30pm.


The topic of discussion will be the Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl (photocopies of 2 versions available), and if everyone present feels like it we shall watch a gnostically inspired video (yet to be decided) and perhaps order pizza!


The topic of discussion has not yet been decided – perhaps simply an open discussion of whatever is on out minds. Then if everyone present feels like it we shall watch a gnostically inspired video (yet to be decided) and perhaps order pizza!

What is gnosticism?


Gnosticism can be difficult to define because it is a cross-cultural phenomenon. The word "Gnosis" comes from the same Greek root word as the English word "knowledge" and "Gnosis" carries the concept of "knowing", especially the wisdom or knowledge that comes from direct, personal experience, as opposed to knowledge from strictly rational, intellectual pursuits (book knowledge). Gnosticism is also fundamentally different to (some would say diametrically opposite to) the more widespread forms of spirituality that rely on an unquestioning acceptance (faith) of a set of beliefs handed down from a mediator (prophet, priest, etc) between humankind and the divine. So, rather than through faith or belief, gnostics seek personal experience and firsthand knowledge, of the divine. This experience, or "gnosis" can come about through various means, but all have the same goal.


Through the ages and around the world gnosticism has taken many different forms. Most people in western countries will be familiar with the classical Gnosticism that grew out of certain Jewish mystic communities (such as the Essenes of the Dead Sea Scrolls fame), Greek philosophy, Hermeticism, & which came to influence and include early Christian theology as well. There is lot of circumstantial evidence, in fact, that Christianity was originally a loose coalition of Gnostic communities until the Council of Nicea in 325ad. After this date, although periodically suppressed in ruthless crusades, Christian forms of Gnosticism managed to survive in pockets right through the middle ages and into the Renaissance, with a resurgence in the eighteenth and more particularly the nineteenth centuries (along with other forms of esoterism such as Spiritualism, Hermeticism, etc). Buddhism is essentially Gnostic in character, and in the Islamic world Gnosticism is most easily recognised in the Sufi tradition which has survived and thrives right through till today. It can also be recognised in the shamanic practices of many cultures around the world.


These are all very different to one another (some more similar to others), and their methods and teachings may vary quite a bit: from quiet meditation and prayer; healing and the laying on of hands; group debate; solitary contemplation; to ecstatic dancing; chanting, singing and more. This is one of the reasons why Gnosticism is so difficult for people to pin down.


So what are the threads that run through each of these forms of Gnosticism, that makes them essentially Gnostic?


Essentials (common to all forms of gnosticism): Humanity is essentially divine in nature, but unaware of, or asleep, or otherwise out of touch with the divine source; Our divine nature is contained within us as a spirit spark, so that the divine is both within and without; The main goal is to achieve union with this divine source; This goal can be achieved through individual revelation and direct, personal knowledge, by whatever methods are open to you.


Commonalities (not necessarily apparent in all forms of Gnosticism, but common to a lot: Tolerance of different beliefs, both within & without Gnosticism (usually due to an openness to truth & wisdom wherever it may be found); the balance of feminine & masculine energies in all things including the divine (& therefore, to unite this duality is to achieve Gnosis); some teach a less balanced duality, where the world of matter is evil and that of spirit is good.



© Lynette F. Watters 1997-2005
To contact me, my email address is "lunetta777" followed by "", less the quotation marks (of course)