
Black Opal :: Ecclectica :: NaNoWriMo Challenge Writing Project


Working title: The Empire of the Sun and Moon II - The Twin Cities

Writing start date: Sunday, 14th November 2004


Well, as you can tell I had a really ate start. It took me that long to work out a workable plot idea and I still hadn't wotrked out a few important details by that time, but I entered the challenge anyway.

I did manage to outline the plot pretty well, and I even have a couple of scenes fleched out, but there's only a couple of dozen pages written even in that form. No chance of me ever winning this year!

I'm a loser :P

Working title: The Empire of the Sun and Moon

Writing start date: Sunday, 2nd November 2003


As at Sunday 16th November (4:07pm!): I already had about 3 500 words written before starting the challenge, and I'm now up to 14 928 words.

It is mostly story detail/plotting rather than actual story-telling. I had a (very) basic plan written out to follow, and what I am currently doing is filling it in (sort of equivalent to story-boarding) so I can go back over it later and flesh it out properly as a readable story!

I will probably write more later today.


Well I haven't been updating here as often as I have on the NaNoWriMo website, but I did it! I just topped 50 055 words this morning (its 5:54am Sunday as I write this), and I've had it verified and all that (and . . )


So here's my winner's icon:


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