Mythic Creatures

Black Opal :: Mythic Creatures:: Dragons :: Introduction

I found this piece on dragons at the following URL : which, while definitely in the white-light department, has some decent stuff.

The author, James Yearwood AKA Gatekeeper, has kindly allowed me to place it on my webpage for the enlightenment of all. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


I seem to have struck a cord with this group about dragons and unicorns. I’ll finally be able to give a little something back for all the love, help and support I have received in the past.

Dragons and unicorns are really no great mystery. The dragons have existed here on Earth for at least 4000 years. They are mentioned in stories from China, India, Europe, and South America (winged serpents), for as long as humans have been recording history. I looked up dragons in my online Funk & Wagnalls and here, in part, is what it had:


a legendary reptilian monster similar in form to a crocodile and usually represented as having wings, huge claws, and a fiery breath. In some folklore of antiquity, the dragon symbolizes destruction and evil. This conception is found, for example, in Enuma Elish, a Mesopotamian creation epic written about 2000 bc .

In the sacred writings of the ancient Hebrews, the dragon frequently represents death and evil. Christianity inherited the Hebraic conception of the dragon, which figures in all the important apocalyptic literature of the Bible, notably in Revelation, and appears in later Christian traditions. In Christian art, the dragon is a symbol of sin. It is often represented as crushed under the feet of saints and martyrs, symbolizing the triumph of Christianity over paganism.

In certain mythologies, the dragon is more generally credited with beneficent powers. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that dragons had the ability to understand and to convey to mortals the secrets of the earth. Partially as a result of this conception of the monster as a benign, protective influence, and partially because of its fearsome qualities, it was employed as a military emblem. The Roman legions adopted it in the first century ad , inscribing the figure of a dragon on the standards carried into battle by the cohorts. The folklore of the pagan tribes of northern Europe contained both beneficent and terror-inspiring dragons.

The dragon also figures in the mythology of various Oriental countries, notably Japan and China. It is deified in the Taoist religion and was the national emblem of the Chinese Empire. Among the Chinese people, the dragon is traditionally regarded as a symbol of good fortune.

“What has Funk & Wagnall’s Encyclopedia got to do with Light Work?” you say. Well, nothing actually. I just wanted to show you proof that dragons have been around for a long time.

“Oh great! I’m using connect time to read a quote from an Encyclopedia!”

Okay then, try this on for size: dragons exist on Earth and no where else. I feel so strongly about this that I want you to dispute this claim buy asking your guides, angels, channeled entities, mother-in-law, or who ever, if dragons exist elsewhere. If the answer you get is yes, then let me know and go on to the next post. If it is no, then your next question may well be; “Why?”

Well, a long time ago, even before “Better Caves and Gardens” was on the market, we humans would make up stories about the day’s events. Now, since anyone could go out and take down a Saber Tooth Tiger, or a Woolly Mammoth, we had to come up with critters that were bigger, smarter, and bader than what we were hunting at the time. We gave these creations (hint, hint) attributes that exceeded our own. Over the generations, these critters grew as we added to their attributes. With each telling, the creatures would become, stronger, smarter, wiser, bigger, and more real. It finally reached a point when the creatures became a part of our every day life and we were writing about them. Just like the Encyclopdia entry and other stories about dragons. We’ve even made movies about them.

“Okay, I got the hint. We created them. But how?”

What happens when you tell a story? You describe an event with as much detail and emotion as you can. You put in color, size, shape, smell and texture. You paint a picture that your listeners can see in their mind’s eye. You fill the story with energy. We all agree that we can voice our intent for something right? And that intent leads to co-creation, right? Right. So, it stands to reason that when we tell a story we are creating a bubble of energy that contains that story. That bubble remains in exsistance as long as someone remembers or re-tells the story. Once it is forgotten the bubble disapates. The dragon stories have been with us for at least 4,000 years. That’s a lot of life times. Each time you have come back to Earth, you re-connect with the dragon story and your dragon wakes up and joins you (which explans the sleeping dragon stories).

“Okay. If we created the dragons all that long ago, then they must be old energy and not appropriate at this time.” Yes, we created the dragons, but they are not old energy, they are not new energy. They are dragon energy. Think about it. We convert steam energy to electical energy don’t we? We did the same thing converting the old energy to dragon energy. In fact, we are even converting new energy to dragon energy by talking about them in the folder. Remember what Kryon said about the critical mass of energy? When it hits a certain point a chain reaction occurs. The same thing happen in this folder. I mention that I had a dragon. Someone else thought they had one too. On, and on, until just about every one in the folder has met with or is trying to meet their dragon. Oh, you may have more than one dragon.

For those of you with unicorns, every thing I wrote about the dragons hold true for unicorns also.

One last thought. When you meet your dragon, smile, and give him/her your love. You have spent many life times with this dragon and he/she knows ALL your secrets.

Love, Light & {{{{{{}}}}}}



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